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Ludlow Twinning Association Ludlow (England) - La Ferté-Macé (France)

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Membership and Contact Information


We always welcome new members. Membership currently costs £12.00 per year for a family membership.

Members of the Twinning Association are kept informed by a regular newsletter of social events during the year and other relevant information, including information about forthcoming visits to La Ferté-Macé.

The association is run by a committee which is elected annually at an AGM.

If you wish to become a member, please complete the printable application form (PDF), and send it to Pauline Oram at the address indicated on the form.

Membership Renewals

To renew your membership, please download and complete the Membership Renewal Form


Contact  Us

For general enquiries about the Twinning Association, please send us an email, or contact Pauline Oram on:07745531783