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Ludlow Twinning Association Ludlow (England) - La Ferté-Macé (France)

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See the May newsletter for details of recent and future events

5th May An Historic Day for Europe

In  a historic speech in 1946, Winston Churchill spoke of the need to build and maintain peace in Europe- a continent shattered by war and destruction. Three years later, on 5th May 1949, the Council of Europe was set up with the aim of uniting the diverse peoples of the continent around a set of common values.- democracy and the striving for peace between nations. Against the backdrop of this huge cultural movement, towns in Europe began to create their own modest links with their neighbours  and the twinning associations were born.

As one of those groups, Ludlow French Twinning Association is pleased to be able to celebrate the establishment of the Council of Europe. We have severed our membership of the EU but regardless of our political beliefs, we are still Europeans.


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See our new facebook page where you can upload your own photographs and see others in the group. Use the facebook icon at bottom of page as a link.

Please post comments, photos on the facebook page or alternatively send them to me to put on this page: shirley@imadethis.co.uk